Here’s the thing, you guys, rest is essential. In all areas of life. Taking a physical break from your workout routine, a mental break from your to-do list and yes, an actual rest break in the form of the ever-coveted nap.

I’ve had many a conversation that go something like:

Them: I started working out 7 days a week!

Me: Whoa! Well, good but when are you resting?

Them: …resting?…

Me: …yeah, the body needs rest days…

Them: uh…

We get so amped up, or so singularly focused on taking care of ourselves, that we forget to… take care of ourselves.

It’s not just in fitness that the body needs rest. The body needs rest from both internal and external stressors. It needs rest to prevent emotional and mental fatigue. Our bodies need rest.

These stressors can fall into a variety of categories. Such as physical, mental, emotional, creative, social, sensory, etc. And you can rest from them in a variety of ways.

Let’s take social rest for instance. Now, for me as an introvert, social rest immediately makes me think of a break from people. A break from interacting. From being “on.”

But social rest can also look like connecting with a dear friend. When my close friends and I get together for movie night, or to play a rousing game of Nertz together, that fills my cup. That is social rest for me. It’s connection that feels restful (unless I’m losing, ha). On the other hand, a blind date would not be restful for me. That’s a social interaction that doesn’t go in my “rest” column. It’s not a bad social interaction, it simply wouldn’t be categorized as rest.

And we could make examples of this for all the categories. Physical could mean a break from the workout, or it could mean a leisurely walk in the park. Emotional rest could look like therapy or journaling. Sensory could be a digital detox. Etcetera, etcetera.

The point is, as we begin to take care of ourselves, make sure that we really are taking care of ourselves. If you are a scheduler, schedule in that rest time. If you are a spontaneous non-planner, keep tabs on how you are feeling and rest when you need to rest.

And for everyone who came looking for the ‘fitness rest’ day recommendation, the rule of thumb is at least one day, hopefully two. With one of those being an active rest day (resting from the typical workout, but still being active in a way that’s not the typical workout).

Go in grace and God bless,
